I have become aware of potential discrimination under the Equality Act 2010 following a subject access review about failure to make reasonable ...
... adjustments. Some of the activity is beyond 6 months but I have only become aware of the activity recently as a result of the subject access review (under 6 months). If I were to make a claim under the Equality Act would these activities be admissible since I only was made aware of them recently and, more importantly, now have sufficient evidence? I do have a recent example within six months that I can use. Is my understanding correct that I can bring in older evidence to show a pattern? Any potential claim would be made in the context for a child with an EHCP to the SEND Tribunal. Thank you.
Whitehaven Parent
05 Oct 2022
01.01 Can you explain where to find the legal definition of disability in Britain in relation to education and how it works?
01.02 Is there a “test” to prove that my child has a disability?
01.03 Does a child need a “medical” diagnosis of a condition or disorder to satisfy the definition of disability in the Equality Act 2010?
02.01 Does the Equality Act 2010 afford a disabled child or young person any protection in education?
02.02 If I want my disabled child to have all the support they need in school, do I just rely on the special educational needs framework?
03.01 Can I use the Equality Act 2010 as a substitute for failing to secure a needs assessment for my child?
04.01 Does a school or post-16 provision have to make “reasonable adjustments” under the Equality Act 2010 for a child/young person if they have ...
... not been told they are disabled?
04.02 Does making “reasonable adjustments” under the Equality Act 2010 extend to modifying internal school policies that place a disabled child at ...
... a disadvantage?
04.03 Are schools (including post-16 provision) expected to know what reasonable adjustments are needed for a potential students who are disabled?