
Our chosen Eotas provider not on council approved suppliers

We have two daughters who have EHCPs with EOTAS agreed. Good news.

We are wanting to use an online school for both girls. The council say the online provider is not on their supplier list and would have to go through their procurement processes. The council state we cannot request personal budget to use it for the school fees. And that we need to wait for the school to apply to the council and for the council to approve the provider.

The council's recommended provider for our eldest who is due to start a levels is a private tutoring firm who do not do A levels.

Both girls have been out of school since October and we are keen to start with the online provider by the start of the new academic year in September.

Any suggestions advice warmly appreciated!


Simon Ray
30 Jun 2023

A: SenseCheck

  • 1 Yes
  • 0 No
  • 0 Other


  • 07 Jul 2023
  • Yes


    First and foremost, I must express my eagerness to read any contributions that others may kindly provide on this matter.

    That being said, based on my experience, it is not uncommon to come across situations like yours. It is important to note that councils or Local Authorities (LAs) often maintain a list of approved educational service providers. While it may be frustrating to encounter such circumstances, there are valid reasons why they adopt this approach. However, in my experience, the process of obtaining approval does not typically take too long. Have you considered contacting the provider and requesting them to engage with the LA or Council as soon as they can? You could actively participate in this process by maintaining lines of communication between the two parties. It is worth noting that from the supplier's perspective, there is a clear incentive to secure new and potentially additional business.

    Regarding the matter of 'A' levels, does your daughter's Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCp) accurately reflect that pursuing this level of qualification is appropriate for her? It is important to review the contents of the EHCp in relation to this issue.

    Please review what the Noddy Guide says about EOTAS as it could be helpful:

    Can I download the Noddy 'No-nonsense' Guide as a pdf? 


    Sean Kennedy

    Sean Kennedy
    Talem Law