If an Educational Psychologist report refers to DSM-V how do parents know what this is?
A: SenseCheck
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- 1 Other
- 19 Oct 2021
Other ...:
It's a handbook used to diagnose mental health conditions.
DSM-V includes conditions autism, ADHD, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).
- DSM stands for Diagnostic Statistical Manual. That's just it's name.
- V is the Roman Numberal for the number 5. That's because clinicians now use the 5th version of this book.
There is a second handbook that is sometimes used by some specialists. It is called ICD 10.
- ICD stands for International Classification of Diseases.
- 10 tells you it's the tenth version of the book.
- The 11th version starts being used in early 2022, so if you see ICD 11, that's just the updated handbook.