
Can I ask for a meeting with the SENDCo? 

Support SEND Kids

Support SEND Kids
Support SEND Kids
31 Aug 2021

A: SenseCheck

  • 1 Yes
  • 0 No
  • 0 Other


  • 01 Sep 2021
  • Yes



    Contact the school, let them know the reason you’re asking for a meeting and provide an indication of when you’re available (the more options you offer the better).

    Also, let them know if you’re willing do it as a virtual meeting.

    It is best to contact the SENDCO directly (if you have an email address or contact number). If you don't have contact details, go via the school office.

    If it is urgent (e.g. a SEND child has just witnessed a really traumatic incident and we need to talk about it), you are probably best calling school to speak to the SENDCo, a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or a deputy DSL rather than waiting for a meeting.

    Depending on the urgency, how many days a week your SENDCo works, and their teaching and other commitments, a reasonable timeframe would typically be within 3 weeks.

    If you already have any meetings with school coming up, for example a SEND meeting with a class teacher, it can be a good idea to simply ask if the SENDCo can attend as well. Again, it’s always helpful to explain why you’re asking.

    Aaron King

    Aaron King
    9000 Lives SEND Consultancy