
Support SEND Kids

Support SEND Kids
Support SEND Kids
07 Apr 2021

A: SenseCheck

  • 2 Yes
  • 0 No
  • 0 Other


  • 06 May 2021
  • Yes


    To share your EHCP with other families on Support SEND Kids:

    1/ Anonymise your EHCP
    Be careful to remove your child's name and any names of teachers, doctors or other professionals.

    2/ Decide what tags to add
    Tagging allows other users to find the right content easily. Most useful tags identify your child's condition and the local authority that issued your EHCP. For example, you can add 'autism' 'Camden'. The following tags are also useful: year plan issued, stage of education: Primary / Secondary / College, type of school: mainstream, Resource base, specialist, and any other useful information.

    3/ Upload by section
    Upload your EHCP by section. Find the question that refers to section A, answer by uploading your section A, and so on. Ignore sections that you have not filled in. (Decide how much you want to share. You may decide section A is too personal, in which case leave it out or summarise it in a few sentences.)

    If you need help or can't anonymise your EHCP, but you are willing to share, please email tamsin.ogilvie@supportsendkids.org.

    Support SEND Kids

    Support SEND Kids
    Support SEND Kids

  • 07 Apr 2021
  • Yes


    EHCPs maybe legal, but are also very personal, documents. While each EHCP is unique: based on the child's needs, the school provision, the Local Authority, some common approaches result in best outcomes. Sharing existing (anonymised) EHCPs offers valuable help to other parents struggling with the system.

    If you would like to learn more, please contact: tamsin.ogilvie@supportsendkids.org.

    Support SEND Kids

    Support SEND Kids
    Support SEND Kids