
Is the EHCP a legal document? If yes, does my child have a legal right to support?

Support SEND Kids

Support SEND Kids
Support SEND Kids
30 Mar 2021

A: SenseCheck

  • 2 Yes
  • 0 No
  • 0 Other


  • 09 Sep 2021
  • Yes


    Yes, the EHCP is a legally binding document in relation to the educational support (set out under Section F of the Plan) and placement/type of placement set out in the Plan (Section I).

    The local authority issuing the Plan has a legal duty to provide the educational support set out in the Plan.

    Laxmi Patel

    Laxmi Patel
    Boyes Turner Solicitors

  • 31 Aug 2021
  • Yes


    Yes, the EHC Plan is a legally binding document, and yes, as a result your child does have a legal right to support.
    As strange as this may sound, certain sections of the EHC plan are more enforceable than others, particularly, those relating to special educational needs and provision. (sections B, F and I)

    Guv Samra

    Guv Samra